Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Facts about the Archangels

The first fact that amazed me about the archangels is that there are 15 of them. I have always considered myself a spiritual, and in my younger days, religious person. However, I had no idea that there were so many archangels. We all know about Michael, Gabriel and Rafael, but there are twelve more. This intrigued me so much that I did a little bit or research and I would like to tell you a little bit about each one of them.

Ariel – whose name means “Lion or lioness of God.” She is associated with healing and protecting beings in nature and that includes the animals, fish and birds. Ariel is considered the Patron Angel of Wild Animals.

Azrael – His name means “Who God Helps.” His role is primarily to cross people over into Heaven when their physical life has ended here on earth. The “Angel of Death,” Azrael aides in the comfort of the dying and helps them to accept the welcome they receive on the other side. Azrael is the Patron Angel of the Clergy.

Chamuel – whose name means “He who sees or seeks God.” He is a powerful healer and a leader in the Angelic hierarchy. He protects you from fearful and lower energies. He helps you find unconditional love and strengthens relationships. He is the Patron Angel of Peace and Calmness.

Gabriel – whose name means “God is my strength.” Gabriel helps those whose life purpose involves communication. Gabriel is the Patron Angel of all who work in the communications field, and postal workers.

Haniel – Her name means “Glory of God.” She helps up to enjoy and accept more grace into our lives. Haniel is involved with the Moon energy, clairvoyance and grace. She is the Angel of Feminine Support.

Jeremiel – His name means “Mercy of God.” He helps those newly crossed over souls to review their lives as well as helping the living to make positive changes in their lives. He is the Angel of Emotional Healing.

Jophiel – whose name means “Beauty of God.” She helps us to add and attract beauty into our lives. She helps us to perceive, with thoughts, the beauty in our lives. She is the Angel of Beauty and Patron Angel of Artists.

Metatron – He is a fiery and energetic angel who has a special place in his heart for children. He is also one of only two archangels who had lived as a human man. While on Earth he was known as Enoch, a prophet and a scribe. The new Indigo and Crystal children are under his guidance. Metatron is known as the Patron Angel of Children.

Michael – “He who is like God.” Michael’s main function is to rid the Earth of fear. He is the leader of the Archangels. He is the Angel of protection, justice and strength. He is known as the Angel of Protection and Courage and the Patron Angel of Policemen.

Raguel – His name means “Friend of God.” His primary role is in Heaven making sure that the Angels and Archangels are working together in harmony and according to the Divine Order. Raguel is considered The Relationship Angel.

Rafael – whose name means “God heals.” Rafael is the healer of physical bodies for both humans and animals. He is the angel of love, joy and laughter. He helps to heal your mind, body and soul. He is known as the Healing Angel and Patron Angel of those in the medical field.

Raziel – His name means “Secret of God.” He knows the secrets of the universe and how it operates. He helps you to know and feel Divine guidance. Raziel is the Patron Angel of Lawyers and law makers.

Sandalphon – mean “brother” in Greek. He is the twin brother of the Archangel Metatron. He was, like Metatron, originally a mortal man. Sandalphon carries human prayers to God. He is the Patron Angel of Music.

Uriel – “God is light.” He helps with natural disasters. He is an angel of nature, visions and the custodian of prophecy and spiritual understanding. Uriel is the Angel of Wisdom and The Patron Angel of Literature and Music.

Zadkiel – His name means “Righteousness of God.” Zadkiel helps us to have mercy and compassion toward ourselves and others. He is the Angel of freedom and mercy and Patron Angel of all who forgive.

Well, I hope that you enjoyed learning a little bit about the Archangels. I enjoyed researching and writing about them. In the future I hope to go a little more “in-depth” about them. I find the facts fascinating and educational.


This article may be reprinted, as long as it includes the following author box

“About the author: Kathy Zengolewicz, The Ardent Author is a freelance writer and author of business, spiritual growth and every day living articles. You can contact Kathy at

Living in a Recession

What is a recession? Basically a recession is when there is a decline in industrial production, employment, real income, and wholesale-retail trade that lasts for six months or more. It spells trouble for all of us. Sometimes it’s hard making ends meet in the best of times, but trying to raise a family in the midst of a recession is doubly hard to do. It helps to stay optimistic in this type of a situation. We can tighten our belts a little and still share some quality time together as a family. Tough economic times call for finding ways to cut down on spending, but not on activities, even when we’re on a budget. After doing a little bit of research I’ve come up with a few ideas that may help to weather this recessional storm.

There are lots of ways to cut back including in the kitchen so let’s start there. First, get rid of all prepared meals. Aside from being too expensive, they are loaded with excessive fat, sugar, salt and all kinds of preservatives. These are things that your family doesn’t need. Plan wisely and schedule specific meals for each day of the week. Do your grocery shopping once a week and get exactly what you need for each meal. Try going meatless twice a week. Do a little research and find recipes for low cost meals that you can make like pasta and vegetables or a home made veggie pizza. These are nutritious meals and won’t cost a lot of money.

Even when arranging for a vacation or just family time together, put a schedule in place and so that you don’t miss a minute of fun. Check with the local visitor’s bureau in your city and see what attractions they offer. Some cities sponsor summer festivities for a minimal fee or no cost at all. Spend the day at a local park; take along Frisbees, a baseball and bat and maybe even a set of horseshoes. Stop by your local public swimming pool one day for an afternoon of aquatic games. Even pack a lunch to serve up, after the swim, picnic style, at a nearby park. Everyone develops an appetite after a day of sun and fun. This is an ideal way for a family to spend a day together. The next day, spend the afternoon watching a movie in your local theatre. If you get there early, you can get the matinee price. It’s another great way to spend the day, and see a great movie in the process.

After this much activity, you deserve to pamper yourself a little. If you like to read, don’t go out and spend money on a new best seller, join your local library and read all of the books you want for free. Also, stock up on some inexpensive candles and some aromatherapy bath beads (you can get them at the dollar store) and treat yourself to a relaxing soak in the tub. If you close your eyes, you can pretend you’re at a fancy spa. You’ll feel any stress that you may have acquired from the long day begin to melt away.

You can find ways to cut back on spending and not on activities, it just takes a little bit of strategy and imagination. So plan to cut back, have fun and make some great memories to treasure for years to come.


This article may be reprinted, as long as it includes the following author box

“About the author: Kathy Zengolewicz, The Ardent Author is a freelance writer and author of business, spiritual growth and every day living articles. You can contact Kathy at

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Finding Your Happiness

What is happiness? I could ask 10 different people that question and assuredly get 10 different answers. Happiness according to the dictionary is “an agreeable feeling or condition of the soul arising from good fortune or propitious happening of any kind.” But, is that all there is to happiness? I think being happy is definitely a state of mind. Happiness isn’t something you feel only when you buy something new or meet a new romantic interest. Happiness goes much deeper than that. There a quite a few things to consider here; happiness is not something that we’re aware of on a daily basis. It sometimes takes a little bit of probing to find the answer.

Materialism is usually toxic to happiness. Look at all of the wealthy people in the world. If you were to ask them, confidentially, if they were happy, I bet the majority of them would say no. Oh, sure, we’d all love to have a lot of money, but what I’m saying is that just isn’t enough. You need to feel a presence within yourself to be happy. To me it seems like an overwhelming feeling of good intent.
I think that the happiest people are surrounded by friends and family and take the time to show their love for the important people in their lives. They don’t embark on petty jealousies and they tend to forgive easily.

Happiness is usually something as simple as keeping a whole brood of people in your heart or it as minuscule as seeing a flower in bloom. Happiness is different things to different people, but it always comes from the inside.

Find a person who is optimistic people and you’ll find someone who is happy. Even in the midst of sorrow, a glint of happiness usually shines through. It’s all in the way we look at things. I think that optimism and happiness go hand in hand.
Most times people aren’t very good at predicting what will make them happy. Happiness can be found in many things. I suggest that you look inside of yourself to find it. What really would make you happy? Is it something material like a new car? I’m sure a new car would make you feel good, but I don’t think it’s a way to find happiness.

Try sitting in a quiet room and thinking, what one thing could I change in my life to bring me happiness. Use your imagination or try making a wish list. What would you wish for that might bring you the happiness you deserve? I think you will be surprised to learn that we make our own happiness. I’ve made my own and I know that you can too. One surefire way to find happiness is to count your blessings!

This article may be reprinted, as long as it includes the following author box
“About the author: Kathy Zengolewicz, The Ardent Author is a freelance writer and author of business, spiritual growth and every day living articles. You can contact Kathy at

2012, What Can We Expect?

What is this world coming to? How many times have you heard that expression? It used to be a rhetorical question, but in the year 2009, I think people are anxious to know the answer. I don't think anyone really has an answer to that question.

Let's look at what is being said about "2012" and the years leading up to it. Supposedly, 2008 to 2012 will be the years of change, positive or negative depending on who you speak to, in the way we live our lives. Pretty general,huh? I don't claim to know more than anyone else what to expect. Do I think it will be the end of the world? Nah, I really don't think so. However, I do think that this year and the next couple of years will be a time of major changes in just about everything that has to do with our Earth. We have really abuse Mother Earth and it seems she refuses to take it anymore. I don't blame her.

The year 2012 is being labeled as the end of "The World as we know it." As I sit here I ask myself, Is this a bad thing? Take a look at our world. What a mess we've made here! I have been doing a little bit of research on the subject of "2012" and I find it more interesting than scary. Mayan prophecy has it that 2012 is sometimes claimed to be a great year of spiritual transformation or apocalypse. Mayan prophecy also claims that we are entering our Galactic Day. Although the Mayan prophecies tend to be accurate, keep in mind it is a prophecy and prophecies are read differently by various people.

On December 21, 2012 there is talk of a cosmic event that will result in humans being pushed toward a readiness to enter The Golden Age. After more research I came across a site with information regard the galactic alignment. The Galactic Alignment is the alignment of the December solstice sun with the Galactic equator. The galactic equator is pretty much the same as the Earth's equator, only it helps people understand the geography of the galaxy.

Okay, so the planets in our Milky Way Galaxy will be in alignment with the Sun. I don't see what harm that should do, but then I'm not a scientist. Even if I was a scientist or astronomer, I don't see how we can change what the planets and Sun will be doing in the year 2012.

Well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see, but I don't think it's Armageddon. I think it's time that we all woke up and became responsible. It's time to take an interest in what we contribute to the Earth and begin to treat our planet
with care. This is the only world we have.

This article may be reprinted, as long as it includes the following author box
"About the author: Kathy Zengolewicz, The Ardent Author is a freelance writer and author of business, spiritual growth and every day living articles. You can contact Kathy at