Friday, February 20, 2009

Meditation For A Healthy Life

I have adopted the practice of meditating each morning and night. When I first started to meditate, last fall, I must confess that I didn’t think it would do much of anything for me except maybe to give me a few minutes of peace and quiet, and sometimes not even that. However, since I have disciplined myself to meditate everyday I have discovered that my life has changed in small, discreet ways and I like the feeling.

I have learned that meditation has taught me to live, learn and love in a different way than I’m accustomed to doing. It has changed the way I look at life and has afforded me more freedom, a freedom to explore my feelings, surroundings and even my life. It takes you out of the physical world for a short time and into a sort of peaceful state. I guess you could say it’s a little bit like letting your imagination take over for a while. It’s like a small, deserved mini vacation from a sometimes, or should I say most times, demanding world.

When I first started to meditate, I didn’t do well at all. I started out by closing my eyes and trying to get the noise of everyday life out of my head. I soon discovered that that is one of the hardest things to do. Each time I closed my eyes I was bombarded with thoughts and worries about this, that and everything else. It took some time and a lot of practice to be able to close my eyes and actually enjoy the quiet that I discovered I could find there when I tried. The trick is to keep at it until you succeed.

There are different forms of meditation, but Transcendental Meditation seems to be the most common. Transcendental meditation takes you into a kind of restful alertness. It benefits your mind, body and your relationships. Once you’ve added meditation to your daily routine you’ll realize that a lot of things you thought of as important, no longer matter to your well being.

There are many reasons to meditate. Meditation is enjoyable. You’ll start to feel an inner tranquility almost immediately. It leads to clearer thinking, better relationships, improved health and less stress in your life.

I look at the world much differently now than I did. Some things, like going outside and seeing that I have a flat tire, would have really put a damper on my day. Now, I may not be happy about the fact that I have to have my tire changed and that it will cost me money to have the old tire fixed, but I can look at it in the proper perspective. I attribute that to my meditation practices. Remember that old saying, “Don’t sweat the little things,” well I try to live by that motto and to also to “Let go and let God.” Life doesn’t have to be so hard, and I think that meditation is what we need in this changing world of ours.

If you would like to learn how to meditate there are plenty of courses online for you to take, for a price, but I would suggest that you just close your eyes, get the noise out of you head and you’d be surprised how good you’ll feel afterwards.

This article may be reprinted, as long as it includes the following author box
“About the author: Kathy Zengolewicz, founder of The Ardent Author and a freelance author of informative business, self-growth and spiritual articles. Kathy can be reached via email at

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